What to expect from a Home Inspection
You’ve scheduled your home inspection.  The big day is drawing close.  Now what can you expect? As experienced home inspectors, we understand that this step can feel pretty daunting for many homebuyers. But our goal is to make it not quite so overwhelming.  A home inspection is your ally in making an informed decision about one of life’s biggest investments.

How Long Do You Expect It To Take?

You can expect the average home inspection to usually last about 2-3 hours, depending on the size and condition of the home, as well as how old the home is.   It may seem like a chunk of time, but we don’t require that homebuyers be there for the full inspection unless they want to be.  While we’re inspecting, many buyers like to take another look around the home, and start getting measurements of windows and other areas for furniture.  In fact, it really is best if you as a buyer let the home inspector do their job so we can do it thoroughly and without interruptions.  Questions can be asked toward the end.

Home Inspection of a roof and what to expect

What are Some Common Defects?

Every home is unique, but there are some issues that tend to pop up frequently on an inspection report. Things like faulty wiring, plumbing problems, roof damage, and poor insulation are common.  In older homes, we often find knob and tube wiring which can have the potential to be a fire hazard.  That’s what the inspection is for – to give you a clear picture of the home’s condition. No home is perfect and we even expect to find defects in New Construction Inspections.

Why is a Home Inspection Important for a Buyer?

It’s the million-dollar question. Why is a home inspection so crucial? We’ve written about this before but we’ll say it again.   Think of it as your sneak peek behind the curtain. It’s your chance to uncover any hidden problems that could turn into major headaches down the road. Plus, it gives you negotiating power. Armed with the inspection report, you can work with the seller to address any issues or adjust the price accordingly. A home inspection also provides peace of mind. Knowing the ins and outs of your potential new home can help you feel confident in your decision. It’s like getting the carfax for a house – you wouldn’t buy a used car without checking its history, right?
Remember, we’re here to guide you through the process. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Wiemann Home Inspection.  We would love to be your go-to for a home inspection in the central Iowa area. Happy house hunting!